Une étude montre que l’hydroxychloroquine freine la dynamique des décès

Un chercheur de l’EHESS a analysé les données nationales de prescription de l’hydroxychloroquine et démontre que la dynamique des décès est défavorable aux pays qui n’en ont pas prescrit.

Didier Raoult sur Twitter : Quand la multiplication des approches donne des résultats étonnants : un chercheur de l’EHESS a analysé les données nationales de prescription de l’hydroxychloroquine et démontre que la dynamique des décès est défavorable aux pays qui n’en ont pas prescrit.

Source Longdom : National Consumption of Antimalarial Drugs and COVID-19 Deaths Dynamics: An Econometric Study

We compare the dynamics of COVID-19 daily deaths in countries using anti-malaria drugs as a treatment from the start of the epidemic versus countries that do not, the day of the 3rd death and the following 10 days. We then use a ARIMA modeling to realize a short-term forecast of deaths dynamics for each group. We show that the first group have a much slower dynamic in daily deaths that the second group. This ecological study is of course only one additional piece of evidence in the debate regarding the efficiency of anti-malaria drugs, and it is also limited as the two groups certainly have other systemic differences in the way they responded to the pandemic, in the way they report death or in their population that better explain differences in dynamics.